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我校揭示SlTCP24和SlTCP29 转录因子协同调控番茄复叶发育的分子机制

M88体育-明升M88体育讯(通讯员 胡国煜)近日,我校番茄团队王涛涛、张俊红教授课题组揭示了SlTCP24和SlTCP29 转录因子协同调控番茄复叶发育的分子机制,研究以“SlTCP24 and SlTCP29 synergistically regulate compound leaf development through interacting with SlAS2 and activating transcription of SlCKX2 in tomato”为题发表在New Phytologist上。



图1 SlTCP24和SlTCP29协同调控番茄复叶发育


图2 SlTCP24和SlTCP29调控复叶发育的模型

我校园艺林学学院博士毕业生胡国煜为论文的第一作者,王涛涛教授和张俊红教授为共同通讯作者。我校园林院叶志彪教授、杨长宪教授、Shoaib Munir博士和美国爱达荷大学植物科学系洪宗烈教授参与了研究。研究得到了国家自然科学基金、湖北洪山实验室重大项目以及国家现代农业产业技术体系的资助。


The complexity of compound leaves results primarily from the leaflet initiation and arrangement during leaf development. However, the molecular mechanism underlying compound leaf development remains a central research question.

SlTCP24 and SlTCP29, two plant-specific transcription factors with the conserved TCP motif, are shown here to synergistically regulate compound leaf development in tomato. When both of them were knocked out simultaneously, the number of leaflets significantly increased, and the shape of the leaves became more complex. SlTCP24 and SlTCP29 could form both homodimers and heterodimers, and such dimerization was impeded by the leaf polarity regulator SlAS2, which interacted with SlTCP24 and SlTCP29.

SlTCP24 and SlTCP29 could bind to the TCP-binding cis-element of the SlCKX2 promoter and activate its transcription. Transgenic plants with SlTCP24 and SlTCP29 double-gene knockout had a lowered transcript level of SlCKX2 and an elevated level of cytokinin.

This work led to the identification of two key regulators of tomato compound leaf development and their targeted genes involved in cytokinin metabolic pathway. A model of regulation of compound leaf development was proposed based on observations of this study.
