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M88体育-明升M88体育讯(通讯员 刘园园 郭钰柬)近日,我校园艺林学学院王永健教授团队在植物功能性状决定入侵成功方面取得新进展,论文以“Clonal functional traits favor the invasive success of alien plants into native communities”为题在期刊Ecological Applications上发表。






园艺林学学院王永健教授为论文第一作者,台州学院浙江省植物进化生态学与保护重点实验室于飞海教授为论文通讯作者,瑞士Fribourg大学Heinz Müller-Schärer教授、我校博士生刘园园、德国Konstanz大学博士生陈朵(原M88体育-明升M88体育硕士生)、江苏大学环境与安全工程学院杜道林教授参与了研究工作。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金面上项目和中央高校基本科研业务费资助。



Functional traits are frequently proposed to determine the invasiveness of alien species. However, few empirical studies have directly manipulated functional traits and tested their importance in the invasion success of alien species into native plant communities, particularly under global change. We manipulated clonal integration (a key clonal functional trait) of four alien clonal plants by severing inter-ramet connections or keeping them intact and simulated their invasion into native plant communities with two levels of species diversity, population density and nutrient availability. High community diversity and density impeded the invasion success of the alien clonal plants. Clonal integration of the alien plants promoted their invasion success, particularly in the low-density communities associated with low species diversity or nutrient addition, which resulted in a negative correlation between the performance of alien plants and native communities, as expected under global change. Thus, clonal integration can favor the invasion success of alien clonal plants into degraded resident communities with a high degree of disturbance and eutrophication. Our findings confirm the role of clonal functional traits in facilitating alien plant invasions into native plant communities and suggest that clonal functional traits should be considered to efficiently restore degraded communities heavily invaded by alien clonal plants.